Day Tour

Day Tour

River Safari, Moonstone Mine & Turtle Farm

We start the day at the Madu River, which is situated in the Galle District and is part of a complex coastal wetland ecosystem of lagoons and mangroves. The Madu River is home to thousands of different bird species including eagles and cormorants. Because of it’s unique biodiversity, the Madu River has been declared a ‘Ramsar’ site and is specially managed by the coast conservation department. 

This is significant, considering the sheer size of the wetlands, spanning across more than 900 hectares. These wetlands are also home to many traditional fishing families and on our tours, it is not uncommon to see traditional fishing methods. The magroves found in the Madu Ganga provide protection and sanctuary for so many aquatic plants and animals including prawns, king-fishers, eagles, crabs, cormorants and various invertebrates. For this reason we ensure our tours have a low-impact on the surroundings.

Next, we venture on to the famous Moonstone Mines. Moonstones get their name from the unique, mystical shimmer which resembles the various phases of the moon waxing and waning. They are considered a precious stone, with the only mine located in Meetiyagoda in Galle District of Srilanka.

Finally, to finish the day, we visit one of the beautiful Turtle Farms. Sri Lanka is home to five varieties of sea turtle: the Olive Ridley Turtle, Loggerhead Turtle, Green Turtle, Hawksbill Turtle and Leatherhead Turtle. All species have their nesting habitats located in the Galle District (Bentota, Induruwa, Kosgoda, Thibbattawa, Ahungalle, Balapitiya and Unawatuna) and Hambantota District (Rekawa, Wellodaya, Kahanda modara, Walawemodara and Yala)

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